The only other lifts in the building are situated in the west wing, and are very old. I suspect that they might well be the first ones Otis ever installed in South Africa. They must have worked superbly in the 1970's, but have become... erm, interesting with age. Often, when you're bent over your centrifuge tubes at your bench, faint cries of help from someone trapped in the lift will break your concentration. Sometimes the LED's indicate that you are on floor 3 when you are on floor 6, sometimes that you are on floor 15. The building has 11 floors. Sometimes the lift doesn't respond to any buttons you press. Sometimes the elevator doors open, and there is no lift. That's right: just a gaping black chasm to welcome you to sudden death, with cables and ratchets moving in the dark. Or the doors will open and the lift won't be level with the floor and you have to step down into it, like a little mobile crawlspace. I once called the lift to go down to ground level: when the doors opened it was there all right, but it just kept moving up, past my floor. Suddenly the doors slammed shut with enough force to sever any limb that would have been in their path. That's dodgy. So much for a safety precaution. So now I climb the eight flights of stairs to my floor several times a day. Not because I believe it to be a great workout. Because I have claustrophobia.
Genade! Ek het nie besef daar is lifts op kampus erger as die GW s'n nie... Dis dodgy!
ja, ek ken ook net die dodgy gw s'n...daar het nou die dag mense na twee vloere uit die hysbak geklim omdat hul die angs nie meer kon hanteer nie.
maar ons is bly jy is veilig, eoh :-)
en ons is moerse bly jy blog weer.
I am glad that I never have to go up further than two floors in any building at Rhodes, because I'm pretty sure our lifts are dreadful too.
Your one sounds just... comical, though! I am terrified of getting stuck in a lift. I'd never use it!
Hmm. Claustrophobia. I (thank god!) do not have that.
Sounds dangerous!
Stuck in a tiny lift, infested with bacteria - Yuk.
I am probably so delayed, but I just saw that they have made a movie of the 'Night Listener' by Armistead Maupin last year, starring Robin Williams and Toni Collette. Have you seen it and if so, how was it?
As far as I know, The Night Listener is only released on 6 April. I will most definitely be checking it out. Interesting casting, don't you think?
Most definitely, Robin Williams was not who I pictured when I read it... I know Toni Collette will be great, but then again after 'Little Miss Sunshine' I don't think she could ever do wrong in my eyes.
As long as it's not too Hollywood, it should be good.
Archaeology lifts are also dodgy. Take the stairs, you will live longer.
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